Monday, July 25, 2011

RHEL 4-- NFS Setup

I was trying to setup NFS share to Share  folder (/NFS_PROJECT/SPECS) on one of our server(hostname: nfsserver) and have it Automounted on the client both running RHEL4ES
Checks and Setups On the NFS Server:

#rpm -qa nfs-utils ---To confirm  if NFS Service is  installed  on the server, in the response shown below, I found it installed, if it was not installed, install NFS:  yum install nfs-utils
#service nfs status  ---To confirm that NFS Services are running,  they are running as shown below. If the services are not running, start NFS by using the command: /sbin/service nfs start
rpc.mountd (pid 26598) is running...
nfsd (pid 26594 26593 26592 26591 26588 26587 26586 26585) is running...
rpc.rquotad (pid 26581) is running...
Edit the /etc/exports file and include the Folder to be shared, following are the details of /etc/exports after the change:
/NFS_PROJECT/SPECS      nfsclient1(rw,root_squash) nfsclient2(rw,root_squash)
/usr/sbin/exportfs -ra ---To export the added contents of the /etc/exports file. Reexport  all  directories.  It  synchronizes /var/lib/nfs/xtab with /etc/exports.  It  removes  entries  in  /var/lib/nfs/xtab which  are  deleted  from  /etc/exports, and remove any entries from the kernel export table which are no longer valid.

Following Actions taken on NFS Client: Hostname: nfsclient2
Check the automount.master file for the key files, on client2 found /misc is labelled  and found key file /etc/auto.misc. Edited the automount.misc and following is the entry after the edit
nfstester -fstype=nfs,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,ro,soft nfssrever:/NFS_PROJECT/SPECS

That's it, configuration is done..check it out by
cd misc 
cd tester --- The NFS Share got mounted as /misc/tester..